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After our passport pictures, we were whisked away by WJ to tour Waston-Ortho.

We met Luke (the global sales manager) and he gave us a tour of the facilities beginning with the displays of all of their medical devices.  They produce a lot of products and sell them all over the world. Something like 58 countries.  They have lots of plates for joining different bones back together, but also stomach staplers and a host of things I could not figure out.  It was pretty impressive.

This is their wall of Chinese doctors that use their products.  

It was all very impressive.

Then we went into the building where Waston-Ortho is housed.

They have a pretty impressive machine shop that will manufacture the parts (orthopedic implants). Tom was very impressed with all of it. They are making him an office --with carpet and a conference table and who knows what else-- just off of this area.  We did not go in it because it isn't quite finished.  They won't let him start work until it is finished.  Too much royal treatment.  They think Americans want more.  Maybe some do, but not us--especially Tom. He would manage beautifully with a cubicle in the corner!  They are projecting June 1st.  (Meanwhile, we are thankful to have his translation skills while we acclimate a bit; true shock will come when we are responsible for our own adventures!)

On my visit to China in 2004, I toured several factories.  It was fascinating, but also disheartening.  The working conditions were appalling.  When it says "hand painted in China" it really was.  In one factory we saw young men take very small pieces of wire and hand link them together for a necklace.   It was hauntingly sad and it took me a long time until I was willing to buy anything from WalMart again.  The work required of the workers was tedious but the restroom, cafeteria and other conditions were just as shocking. Being thus prepared, I was interested, but a little concerned about sad conditions that we might witness by touring the facilities.  Thankfully Waston's facilities were clean, restrooms very respectable and the employees had much more hope in their eyes. I was so thankful and it was very wonderful to see.

After finishing at the newer facility, we went to Waston's second building to meet President Hu and Mr. Hu.  

We didn't tour these, but President Hu showed us his prize garden.  It was so so amazing!  It is guarded by a guard dog so no one goes in.
He has award-winning sculpted trees---all different varieties.  This one is 120 years old.
He has these gorgeous pink flowers--he called them "Japanese pink blossoms".
And several other sculpted trees.  I could have spent all evening photographing them, but I restrained myself.

He has two 'blue' peacocks and two white peacocks (native to China) and two black trumpeter swans, turtles and fish.

It was a really gorgeous garden worth thousands and thousands of dollars.  He loves it because he can see it from his office from the 3rd floor.  I wouldn't mind another chance of exploring it more!

Next stop:  the official welcome party at the Sheraton. 


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