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Showing posts from April, 2024

On Learning Languages

The Champion brand is one of the more commonly pirated brands here in China.  Check out these few examples of 'wannabees'.   There are many others.   It all makes me think about the difficulty of language learning.   I don't fault any Chinese person for not being good at English, I know full well how difficult it is to learn the other language.  But it does cause me to understand more deeply how important it is to pay attention to details while learning languages.  'Chimptwo', 'Decameter' and 'Ckemqairm' (or whatever that one says), and the others simply do not say 'Champion'.   Thankfully over the years, I've had the blessed opportunity of learning the language of the Spirit.  It also is an upward curve.  Details need to be attended to.  It takes lots of experience and lots of practice. But it's a beautiful, rewarding journey.  I love the phrase President Eyring used about this process in his October 2023 confer...

The Long Lost Blog....

 Hello all! I have had a few queries about the quiet blog.  We have had one computer down for much of the last few months which means the person not in online school gives hers up (me).  Thus my time on the computer has been severely limited.  But here is a little update: I have added another Chinese class (+homework)--which means I have 3 Chinese teachers, I have two English clubs this year and I often try to get people into our home for dinner.  With my limited capacity kitchen, it takes way more work feeding more mouths.  My Primary calling also keeps me busy. Tessa is in a Kung Fu class, guitar class, has weekly voice lessons, and was in dance class for a while.  She is also doing extra classes through BYU.  She is also into wax sealing and will crochet on occasion. Greta is doing well.  Her life highlight is talking to her friends once a week.  She currently has 100% in each of her classes.  She is so diligent and works very ha...