If we ever see a sunset, it looks something like this: That's my view out of my kitchen window. If you are on the ground, you rarely see much because there is always a building in the way. On this particular night, however, I decided to get my selfie stick and put my phone out the window as far as I safely could to get a bit of a better shot. After doing that, I decided to climb on top of my kitchen counter to go out even farther. As I did this, I caught a small glimpse of something else. I changed the direction of my phone and shot these photos: I had no idea that you could see the sky on the other side of that building from here. (Well, you can't actually see this without unsafely hanging out the window.....) This doesn't seem like much to you, but this is as much of a sunset I've seen the whole time we've been in China. So while I couldn't actually see the full skyline, I was thankful to enjoy more of it with my camera. This was a sweet night...