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On Learning Chinese

 I've been asked on occasion how my Chinese is coming.  Let me show you instead of tell you.  These images are screenshots of my attempts to speak into Google translate to try to get the tones right as well as to have the Romanization to make practice easier on my brain (One of my lessons is only audio and I need visual help too).  I have no idea what I was suppose to be saying, but clearly it wasn't any of these things!

The last one is hilarious because Wang Jian is our driver so this makes total sense, but that was NOT what I was practicing to say!  I was trying to say something about some street in Beijing. (The lessons are often as confusing as the language!)

But I am trying.  I work on it every day on a couple of different apps, with a teacher and with a book.  I wish I could report more progress, but I can't..... I'm just slow. And old!


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