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The Shipment Equation

Our shipment has been a complicated math problem.

While complicated, it might simply be expressed simply as 


I'll define the variables:  s=shipment    d=drama

Every few days a new point on the graph is added.  On again.  Off again.  Up a little.  Down a lot. Up a lot, down a little.  The plots on the graph definitely reflect a roller coaster ride rather than a smooth glide on a serene pond.  

Here are just the highlights of the plotted points.

🎢Point A:  While still at home:  review the long list of prohibited items to be taken into China.  Unpack many things we had wanted to take.  (mostly food items and seeds for herbs, tomatoes etc.)  Re-itemize every single item that goes into the boxes (tedious!!).

📈Point B:  Fly to Dallas and only after obtaining permission to fly into China do we summon the movers to pick up our boxes.

⊶Point C:  Make arrangements for the shippers to meet Chandler at home for the pick up.

⊶Point D:  Receive a message in the wee hours of the morning from our renters (who haven't moved in yet but are there trying to create a relationship with our cat who suddenly became very fierce) saying that the movers just happened to show up while she was there. Thankfully I was not over jet lag and was up and able to answer questions.  (Poor Sierra had to get the unfriendly cat and put her in a room so she didn't escape with the door being wide open or attack the movers; she probably still has cat-claw scars.)

🎢Point E:  Our shipment sits in a storage unit in Los Angeles for nearly 3 months while we wait for a work permit to be issued (that experience has its own graph of drama too!)

📈Point F:  We receive the work permit and summon our shipment.

🎢Point G:  We are informed that since we only received an 8 month visa (yet another story of rising and falling plot points different than the graph mentioned on Point E....) they cannot ship our appliances or more than 50 books.  Problem:  they are all mixed up together in the 20+ boxes, and our children who might be able to remove them for us are all in Utah.  We probably should just ship it all back to Utah. (appliances are small things like ice cream maker, food processor, etc.) 

📈Point H:  In a sacred tender-mercy experience, my troubled heart was soothed in a profound way.  I was reminded that I'm not here for my own comfort. I'm here on a divine errand.  I can live without deodorant, ibuprofen and dental floss somehow...(and all the other stuff). 

📈Point I:  Jacky once again comes to the rescue.  A few days later, "It is all worked out, everything has been cleared and it will ship tomorrow."

🎢Point J:  We receive an email saying that while en route, the rule for incoming shipments has changed and now they will not allow a step stool, Tom's big curved monitor and more than 50 books to come in.  (There must be a big pile at the bottom of the ocean of STUFF!)

📈Point K:  I summon prayers for my books from all of many friends and family. I feel strongly that added faith and prayers could make a difference.  In that plea for prayers I felt impressed that we also ask that the custom agents also be blessed. (In my little library are more than 50 picture books that I have collected since my teaching years. They have become beloved family favorites. I sent them over so I could read to my grandbabies.  Also in the shipment are 2 copies of dozens of novels I'm using for Greta's home school lessons, some journals, and I think, my Grandpa's copy of Jesus the Christ)  

📈Point L:  I read and study the chapters in Job in Come, Follow Me.  A miraculous calm comes to my heart.  The Lord gives; the Lord takes away.  All is well.  I feel compelled to pray very specific, miraculous things for those customs agents who would be handling our shipment.  I remember a statement by President Packer:  "You have your agency, and inspiration does not--perhaps cannot--flow unless you ask for it, or someone asks for you.  No message in scripture is repeated more often than the invitation, even the command, to pray--to ask.  Prayer is so essential a part of revelation that without it the veil may remain closed to you.  (Oct 1994) These prayers for others are crucial since they do not have the knowledge to ask for themselves.

📈Point M: Jacky writes a statement that the books are needed for education.

⊶Point N: We watch the boat on the tracking device to slated to arrive "in the early of August".  We 'watch' it make several stops in Korea before heading to China.

⊶Point O:  August 6, the boat arrives in Shanghai.

⊶Point P:  August 8, tracking information is turned off.  The ship must have been unloaded.

⊶Point Q: We wait.  No real news other than tidbits that makes it sound like they will go through all of our items.  My prayers become much more focused on those working on our shipment might receive an answer to questions they have and to feel light and hope as they work on our shipment.

📈Point R:  No news.  I pray less and less about our stuff and more and more for the customs agents.

⊶Point S:  No news.  I feel to add to my prayers that the customs agents will also be given the message "These are good people.  They will help your country. Allow everything to enter."  (A bit bold of a statement, but it's what I felt to pray for.)

📈🎢Point T:  Jacky says it's possible we will get the books, but it's certain we won't get Tom's monitor.

⊶Point U:  I continue to pray for the customs agents and begin to pray that Tom's monitor might possibly be allowed in. His work is so tedious on his laptop.

⊶Point V: No news.

⊶Point W:  August 19 we hear the shipment may arrive this weekend.

⊶Point X:  August 20 and 21 come and go with no shipment and no news.

📈Point Y:  August 24 Jacky says we may be able to pay a fee to receive the monitor after all!

⊶Point Z: No news.  Prayers intensify for those handling our shipment.  This feels so imperative in my heart that I can bring influence for good into their lives.

📈Point AA:  August 29th, Tom pays customs fees 5400¥. It can be delivered.  Any day now.

📈Point BB:  September 1: our shipment has left Shanghai.

📈Point CC:  September 2:  we receive a call, the shipment is downstairs, they will bring it up!

📈Point DD:  It's like Christmas, but maybe better.   It includes more squeals of delight over deodorant and other toiletries than we've ever received on any Christmas present.  We go through all of our things.  It is all here!  There is very little damage, but plenty of evidence that they were very thorough going through it. For example: pictures were taken out of frames and put back together haphazardly. Maybe they enjoyed feeling light and hope and couldn't help themselves from being really thorough 😊.   Some of our board game boxes were quite damaged, a picture frame was damaged and a small item Greta had made with her 3-D pen was broken, but considering all that we sent, that was so little damage.  

A favorite line from opening day was Greta reading a box saying "Made in China"  and exclaiming "Made in China, back in China!"


The moving target and constant changing of rules is enough to drain all emotional strength and peace right out of one's heart.  But because of the divine laws taught in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the application of those laws, the equation's outcome was not drama=trauma.  Nor was it drama=severe emotional drain.

In the end, this was a beautiful and miraculous math problem.   While there were twists and turns, ups and downs, in reality our complicated math problem surpasses all understanding:  

shipment=spiritual growth + peace + unseen miracles for others  (see Note)

It is such a holy equation.  Today in sacrament meeting my mind went to my gratitude for the shipment arriving, but as I felt that feeling, I realized that so much of the joy has come from putting forth great spiritual work to bless the lives of the customs agents rather than actually acquiring the items.  When our shipment arrived, I felt happiness, but that paled in comparison to the feelings I had while seeking miracles for those working on our shipment.  I felt like I was finally fulfilling President Nelson's plea: "we need women who know how to make important things happen by their faith". It was a joyous experience.  I'm thankful for the ability to access Jesus Christ's power through my covenants to bless others as well as my own little family.   And I'm so very grateful for the faith and prayers of all of my dear dear friends and family who also contributed to this miracle.  

Note:   While I don't know the miracles in other's lives and likely won't until after this life, I do know that it is by faith that miracles are wrought.  "For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them....behold it was the faith of Nephi and Lehi that wrought the change upon the Lamanites, that they were baptized with fire and with the Holy Ghost. Behold it was the faith of Ammon and his bretheren which wrought so great a miracle among the Lamanites." (Ether 12:12, 14-15) I have had enough evidence that many of my prayers for others have been generously answered so I have no doubt that these were as well.

Picture dump:

Monitor and all.


  1. Yay! Such a joyous and faith-filled post!

  2. So many answers to prayers! I'm so grateful to hear the story in its current fullness. I look forward to hearing the rest of the story someday...I was also distinctly prompted to pray for the agents, including that they would feel of God's love while going through your belongings. It was amazing to be part of that, thank you!


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