This is what it is like when it rains here. One Sunday we decided to go see what it was like on the ground instead of the 24th floor.
After this, we ordered some better umbrellas!
This is a picture of what it looks like on the 24th floor when it rains. However, the camera played tricks on reality--in reality, we could only see this close building like you can see the ones in the distance in the picture. Pretty serious storming!
Today there was some serious wind. From the 24th floor I thought I saw a bird make a dive (which I thought was odd). As I watched some more I realized that it must have been a piece of trash because soon I saw t-shirts, wrappers, papers, leaves etc. all be raised nearly straight up in the air and then dropped or whisked out of view. It was one thing to see items of clothing being jerked about, but for the wind to bring a leaf up to the 24th floor and then suddenly pull it back down as quickly as it came up was unreal. Leaves usually flutter, but today they acted like they had jet engines on them. Free weather entertainment for this foreigner is also provided in this adventure! Good times.
oh my!