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This Great Work

When I first heard the youth theme song for 2021 I was impressed that that was to be our purpose in China.  That song got me through a lot of difficult pockets of doubt, insecurity and fear.  It moved me to tears nearly every time I listened to it. 

A few of the words really spoke to me:  

    There is a work to do

    that was prepared for you

    long before the world was made.

    You have the strength you need

    to cross the stormy seas

    that you will find along the way.....


    This is a great work that we’ve been given.

    This is a part of His grand design.

    So don’t be weary. He will be with you,

    And He will lead you through the night

    in this great work. This great work. This is a great work.

There were times on this journey that were filled with great disappointment.  One such came right before April 2021 General Conference.  With Tom's contract, we get 3 trips out of the country per year.  I looked forward to coming home for at least one and the others to hop to nearby Asian temples.  But right before conference, I talked to the RS president of the branch we would be in and she told me that we wouldn't be able to come back if we left because getting back in is so difficult.   (Covid related; it's not like that all of the time.)  I was crushed.  Crushed.  But during conference the Spirit kept whispering "You're not going for your good time.  You're going for me."  While that is a difficult answer, I can do anything for Jesus Christ.  He makes everything all right.  Oh how much I am going to miss home and temples and the great opportunity to travel and give my girls that experience, but it pales in comparison to my love for Jesus Christ and His great work.  

Hence the name of this blog.


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